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5 Creative Ways to Drive More Traffic from LinkedIn

Do you want more visitors to your website or blog? Have you finally realized the potential of social networking sites in online marketing? A lot of business owners often ignore one of the most important social media networks for increasing exposure and traffic. If you are one of them, you certainly wouldn't want to make the mistake again because LinkedIn is the ultimate platform for your professional dealings. LinkedIn is an important platform to obtain more online exposure.



Your LinkedIn account can be one of the best referral platforms for your online site. If you think that a considerable amount of online traffic can be driven from your LinkedIn account, it is the high time to work to enhance view on your profile. Luckily, that is something that can be ascertained. LinkedIn shows how many times your account has been visited. Ensure that you track your profile on a weekly basis and through the five ways discussed below, you will watch as this number begin to increase consistently.

Incorporate Account Links

Your personal LinkedIn profile provides you with a platform to help visitors to know you better, when they visit your profile, the members will naturally want to click on the links you have provides. For that reason, you should be creative when wring your description in order to capture the attention of the visitors.

Displaying attractive and expressive links will motivate readers to click on those particular links. You may direct them, straight to your site home page or to certain pages where they can read more about your products or services. In either case, ensure that your links are compelling.

Create Connections to Increase Profile Views

When you need to enhance your exposure on LinkedIn, make sure that you establish connection with individuals who have a realistic reason for networking. As you establish more connections, you will attract more people from the updates that you make on LinkedIn. In addition, make sure that you are continuously noticeable and relevant. This will allow other members to click on your profile and know you and your business better.

Be Active and Busy To Generate Blog Traffic

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on LinkedIn to make an impact. You just need to take your time to update your status, , post some relevant content., take part on a discussion , make comment on members posts and some members questions, especially those that are directed at you company.

Utilize LinkedIn While on the Run 

Cell phones now make up more than 20 percent of traffic from LinkedIn. There are powerful LinkedIn apps that you can use to make it easy for you to network while on the run.

Post Articles From Your Blog As Your Status Update. 

Needless to say, you need to share your blog with your network members to enhance traffic flow from linked. So make the most of the LinkedIn share button on your blog.

So, are you making use of these tips? If not, it is high time to make them work for you. 

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 Maximize the potential of your business on Internet! Internet marketing is the best way today to drive lost of traffic to your business. Webplanners is a leading SEO company Melbourne.

 For more information please contact us.


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